akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Lalo Bak Nempran: The Broy’s Murals About the Coastal Communities

LOMBOK UTARA, 24 Februari, 2015: The Broy membuat karya mural tentang masyarakat pesisir di tembok-tembok rumah di Jalan Bangsal Baru, sejak tanggal 22 Februari, 2016.
Written by akumassa
ince February 22nd, 2016, Syarief Rausanzani a.k.a The Broy worked on the wall of the houses located at Jalan Baru Bangsal. The fence walls was initially contain advertising texts of private companies. With the permission of the owner of each house, The Broy initiated to cover up all those ads with the work of his mural. Because the background color of the wall was blue, The Broy then made murals in the form of an illustration of excitement about the coastal communities, because Pemenang is one of the areas in Indonesia which has a great assets in tourism due to the beach they have. The execution of these murals took a few days. The Broy started to work every day from morning to evening. Some residents who live in the area seemed enthusiastic watching The Broy drew those walls.

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