The surprise amazement came when I entered a modest gallery in Tebet Timur, South Jakarta. On June 7, 2012 evening, I took the time to attend the opening event of DRIFT: Pameran Seni Multimedia which was initiated by ruangrupa.
JOURNAL is a rubric containing articles written by members of the participating communities of the AKUMASSA workshop and other contributors. This rubric theme, in general, is about small narratives, locations, and mass events that are scattered in the daily lives of the writers.
Edvard Munch, Whom We Missed
During our visit to Copenhagen, we took the time to come to the National Museum, Statens Museum for Kunst. Hopefully, our visual vocabulary would be increased, especially in the fine arts. Our expectation pretty came true when we saw some original paintings of the impressionist Henri Matisse and a...
TPS Kelapa Dua
My eyes went back to those waste workers. Some of them were busy unloading, lifting and pushing the waste, while Sobri seemed engrossed in conversation with someone wearing a shirt. I did not know what they were talking about. Maybe they discussed the waste, or maybe something else.
Reading the ‘Reading’
The meaning of ‘reading’ was very extensive. The value of the ‘reading’ activity was very noble and very useful when we could understand what the real ‘reading’ was.
Behind the Concrete and the Steel
I think it is a part of the impact of the dynamic life of urban people. It is very natural and inevitable. The competition in the city, with the heterogeneous pattern of life, is hard.
Worshipping on the Roof of the Market
As soon as we got in, apparently we stood in a small long hallway. In the right corner there was a place to perform the wudhu and a bathroom without a toilet. On the left side, we saw three doors that later we knew led to the office of the market’s security officer, the office of KOPAS (koperasi...
The Confusion at Parung Bingung: Parung Bingung...
The story of Parung Bingung can be categorized as a form of folklore, considering it is spread orally (oral tradition), traditional and has been happening for at least two generations. It has different versions, the author is anonymous, and it is collectively owned (Danandjaja, 2007).
From the Effect of Television to the Baby Fritter
There was Ponari the son of lightning who earned millions of rupiah because he had found a magic stone after he had been struck by lightning. He was named the child healer because it was believed that the stone could heal the sick people.
Migration: The Essence of Hijra in the Context of...
A country or nation makes the migration a political issue; by definition, it is a homeland of a nation which is characterized by the ethnic and cultural similarities, while the immigrants have different ethnicities and cultures. These things sometimes cause social tensions, xenophobia and national...
No Photography of E-ticketing Allowed
The e-ticketing program, just like the users have said earlier, so far is still a problem, either from the readiness of facility and infrastructure aspect or from the readiness of the community about that computerized technology. In my opinion, this problem has to be widely shared to invite the...