akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Checking Out the Bangsal

LOMBOK UTARA, 24 Februari, 2016: Gedung Syahbandar Pelabuhan Bangsal.
Written by akumassa

On February 24th, 2016, the curator of akumassa Chronicle, Otty Widasari, went to Bangsal Harbor to check the location for preparing the artistic of Bangsal Menggawe 2016: Membasaq. Accompanied by Muhammad Sibawaihi (Program Director of pasirputih), Gelar Soemantri and Muhaimi (two participants of akumassa Chronicle), as well as some members of pasirputih, Otty Widasari checked out several sites that will be prepared to showcase artists’ works. In the corner of the parking area of the Syahbandar, for example, there is a pile of iron likely was formerly used as a water tank. The iron pile is planned to be used as a stage in the event Bangsal Menggawe. Mr. Wahid Hasyim who has a stage rental business, agreed to take care of the matter with the help from his staff. In addition, Otty also examined the possibility to display video Gelar’s video works along the docks of the Bangsal Harbor, and also the place where they will built the monument of Wasiat Pemenang (Pemenang Testamentary) which is the work of Ismal Muntaha collaborated with the leaders of Pemenang.

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