akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Talking with Mr. Fitri

LOMBOK UTARA, 30 Januari, 2016: berbincang dengan Pak Fitri, Ketua Dusun Karang Subagan [Kiri ke kanan: Imran, Pak Fitri, Muhammad Sibawaihi, Manshur Zikri, Arief Yudi, dan Hafiz Rancajale]
Written by akumassa
In Saturday afternoon, January 30th, 2016, Manshur Zikri, Muhammad Sibawaihi and Manshur Zikri (facilitators of akumassa Chronicle) were discussing with Hafiz Rancajale (the Chairperson of Forum Lenteng) and Arief Yudi (curator of akumassa Chronicle) at Mr. Inaq Pituq’s shop located in front of pasirputih’s office. Suddenly, Mr. Ahmad Fitri (the Chairman of Karang Subagan Backwoods) passed. Waving his hands, Gozali called and greet him. While being engrossed in the discussion, Mr. Fitri, the Headman of Karang Subagan Backwoods came and joined the discussion. Their focus then changed. akumassa Chronicle tried to describe their agendas and asked Mr. Fitri to collaborate.

Mr. Fitri was really excited listening to Sibawaihi and Gozali about akumassa Chronicle. He agreed to work in collaboration with all of artists. He also explained the situation and condition of his backwoods right after the incident of police raid to a house suspected of having a drugs party. Mr. Fitri hopes that the collaboration between his backwoods and akumassa Chronicle could give a positif impact to the young adults in his village and they will have worthwhile activities

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