akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Initiating Testamentary of Pemenang

Written by akumassa
Today, February 5th, 2016, Ismal Muntaha met Dr. Muchsin, Mr. Sukarman (a public figure of Buddhist at Tebango), and Mr. Nengah Karuna (a young leader of Hindus in Pemenag). Ismal discussed about his work plan to make testamentary museum in the framework of akumassa Chronicle project. Their discussion were to make a list of the values that must be included into the testament. Among others are the harmony of different faiths, development based on cultural, based on love, and not to ignore historical values.

Ismal has plan to invite all public figures of Pemenang whom he met all this time to sit together on February 12th. He will present the draft of the testaments that will be composed based on their discussions, and all of them can give advices and corrections. They will also decide the final form and contents of such testament, as well as to make announcement about the making of the testament. After that, Ismal then will start to design the implementation form in making the monument of museum which will be a place for the testaments.

Ismal’s idea on the “testamentary museum” was inspired from the philosophy of Lombok: sasaq that means “one” and “stable”, and Lombok that means “straight” and “honest”. Based on his observations, Ismal found that Pemenang has an imaginary straight line which connect a spot at Tebango Bolot hill with the Bangsal.

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