Province: West Java

Reading the ‘Reading’

The meaning of ‘reading’ was very extensive. The value of the ‘reading’ activity was very noble and very useful when we could understand what the real ‘reading’ was.

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The Confusion at Parung Bingung: Parung Bingung...

The story of Parung Bingung can be categorized as a form of folklore, considering it is spread orally (oral tradition), traditional and has been happening for at least two generations. It has different versions, the author is anonymous, and it is collectively owned (Danandjaja, 2007).

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No Photography of E-ticketing Allowed

The e-ticketing program, just like the users have said earlier, so far is still a problem, either from the readiness of facility and infrastructure aspect or from the readiness of the community about that computerized technology. In my opinion, this problem has to be widely shared to invite the...

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The Election and the Three Sisters

In the middle of this big problem, the closeness between family members felt more, and so did the level of religiosity, to the mystical level. They kept repeating the story of wird and tahajjud that had been done continuously to save the son’s fate. Anything would be done for him, even selling...

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I believe, certainly the people’s paradigm in my hometown wouldn’t be that bad without any cause. Now I came to think about it, here was the connection. It was because some government policies and the presence of the businessmen who exploited people brought out the structural poverty. Because they...

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Paying My Ten Years of Absence

Ten years ago I had closed my childhood life story in this Cornelis Chastelein town. After that I had not lived in Depok anymore. And now, 10 years later, I happened to come back to Depok to reminisce and get to know more again about this growing little city which had been an administrative city...

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Whose Bridge is This?

That bridge still stayed silent on its place, waiting for a more serious repair. I didn’t know which government that would repair it because of its existence which was between two government territories. However, all this time, the inhabitants had been the ones who had done their utmost because...

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Traveling Bank

However, because the salary is not enough to cover the daily needs, so borrowing money without collateral becomes the endless solution. And the laziness to gather around uttering the pledge every Wednesday has to be put away whether they want to or not.

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