Subdistrict: Jagakarsa

TPS Kelapa Dua

My eyes went back to those waste workers. Some of them were busy unloading, lifting and pushing the waste, while Sobri seemed engrossed in conversation with someone wearing a shirt. I did not know what they were talking about. Maybe they discussed the waste, or maybe something else.

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In Lenteng Agung, We Shared a Story about an...

here were the members of Forum Lenteng in the days before the Reformation 12 years ago? How far that Reformation has achieved its goal all this time according to them? I tried to ask them one by one… Where were you on these days 12 years ago? Jaka, 19 years old back then: In Lenteng Agung and was...

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The Just Ordinary Round of Sixteen

Any country that qualified for the World Cup usually was a country which had a good building system. Besides that, it also had a good state system (in this case, socio-political) and certainly had a good economic system.

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The World Cup’s Myths: From Tsubasa’s Back to...

Once I’ve accompanied my friend searching for information about football. It was quite fun, making me want to keep watching this game which was played by 22 people. My friend then suggested me to browse the myths in football game. Many myths were given to me, all of them were interesting, but one...

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I Want to be Mick Jagger

That’s Mick Jagger and his influence on the young people’s lifestyle in Indonesia from various eras. They actualize themselves with ‘Jagger’. But nowadays the idol concept has shifted a little. I don’t know if it’s positive or negative, but we can see everywhere the present young people do not only...

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