akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Socialization to Karang Pangsor

NORTH LOMBOK, February 8th, 2016: akumassa Chronicle was socializing Bangsal Menggawe 2916: Membasaq to Karang Pangsor backwoods.
Written by akumassa
On Monday, February 8th, 2016, some members of pasirputih continued the socializations of Bangsal Menggawe 2016: Membasaq to everybody who live in the Subdistrict. At 2 pm, Etika Lailaturahman and Muhammad Sibawaihi walked to Karang Pangsor backwoods. Evidently, there’re so many people who has already known about the event. It made the socialization process become easier then.

On the evening, during accompanying Bujangan Urban made his graffiti artwork, the members of pasirputih helped by some residents of Pemenang, continued the distribution of socialization comic strips made by Syarief Rausanzani AKA The Broy. Husnu and Dodi, two residents who live in Karang Desa backwoods, gave the comic to some people in the Bangsal Area.

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