akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Screening and Discussion of Gelar’s Video Works

LOMBOK UTARA, 23 Februari, 2016: Suasana diskusi setelah penayangan video Montase Air, bagian dari Long Live the Winners (2016) karya Gelar Soemantri untuk akumassa Chronicle.
Written by akumassa
On February 23rd, 2016, Gelar Soemantri gave a presentation on video art project that he’s working for akumassa Chronicle, in collaboration with three members of pasirputih: Ahmad Humaedi, Hamdani and Muhammad Rusli. The presentation was held at the pasirputih’s office at eight o’clock at evening. There were four video works were shown, namely Leq, Menggaeq (2016 Degree Soemantri), Isin Bale (2016, Hamdani), Banda Angen (2016, Ahmad Humaedi), and Renggaeng (2016, Muhammad Rusli). The first video is part of a series of Montages of Air, while the three others are part of Latihan Amfibi. All of the video works are part of an Gelar’s artwork project, Long Live the Winners, which he made for the akumassa Chronicle.

The response from the audience of the videos that were shown were pretty good. The discussion after the video runs quite tough. Bujangan Urban, Ahmad Saleh Tabibuddin, Ilda Karwayu, Syamsul Fajri (four participants of akumassa Chronicle) gave their response. Bujangan Urban criticized the Gelar’s video regarding to the issue of editing; Ahmad Saleh Tabibuddin and Ilda Karwayu criticized the subjects chosen by Hamdani in Isin Bale; while Syamsul Fajri gave feedback on the dramaturgy of three video works in a series of Latihan Amfibi.

The curator of akumassa Chronicle, Otty Widasari, also responded to the four videos. Otty Widasari emphasized the issue about the awareness of the medium in Gelar’s Long Live the Winners artwork project, which it’s also framed in one of the poems made by Ilda Karwayu for akumassa Chronicle. Otty’s explanation showed that there is an intersection of ideas on the works made by each participant of akumassa Chronicle. Facilitator akumassa Chronicle, Manshur Zikri, also responded to four video works from the perspective of the film construction.

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