Rudat dance group of Sanggar Seni Panca Pesona arrived at the alley towards pasirputih around ten am. A few meters before they reach the office, some citizens stopped and asked them to play one dance. When they arrived at the office of pasirputih, some neighbors also asked them to play some dances. The citizens enthusiasm seeing the troupe of rudat dancer seemed to be an encouragement for Sanggar Seni Panca Pesona’s members to continue this art project.
Their troupe departed from pasirputih’s office toward Bangsal Harbor at 11 am. Jabo was wearing white long sleeved shirt, accompanying Mr. Jaka sang the song lyrics of rudat. Arriving at the Bangsal Harbor, a lot of residents there suddenly came closer making a circle to see the rudat dance performance, while Jabo started to do his performance art. Jabo walk into the sea doing a sort of ritual and responded the rudat dance by Mr. Jaka and friends.
In that occasion, the members of pasirputih who were also accompanying the performance didn’t forget to disseminate the second comic strip by The Broy, entitled Aeq Wat Bangsal (2016) for socialization of Bangsal Menggawe 2016: Membasaq which is also part of akumassa Chronicle.