Gathering with Muhammad Sibawaihi (Program Director of pasirputih), Muhammad Gozali (Director of pasirputih) and Manshur Zikri (Forum Lenteng), Mr. Kongso shared his opinion about the crisis of archiving in some art institutions in North Lombok. Manshur Zikri then shared Forum Lenteng’s experiences in managing simple archiving through digital media. It seemed that Mr. Kongso was very interested with that topic.
In addition, Bujangn Urban and Sulung Widya Prasastyo (two participants of akumassa Chronicle) then participated in the talk. Bujangan Urban then told Mr. Kongso about his graffiti concept which he had made in Bangsal area. “How we can see our own self,” Bujangan Urban said. “We start from little things and personal, but give a good big impact!”