akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Ilda Visited PAUDs in Pemenang

Written by Manshur Zikri
On 4th and 5th of February, 2016, Baiq Ilda Karwayu continued her artwork project for akumassa Chronicle. Her idea is to expose Pememang by means of rewriting and rearrangement of traditional children songs in Pemenang, collaborated with Mr. Adjam, a resident of Karang Baru Backwoods, East Pemenang Village. One of her plans for its presentation is choral group performed by children singing the songs created by Ilda and Mr. Adjam. Therefore, pasirputih is facilitating Ilda to negotiate with some PAUDs (school for young children) in Pemenang. Ilda want to give workshop for them about singing and playing traditional games. From this workshops, Ilda will choose some children of each PAUD to be formed as a choral group. They will perform at Bangsal Menggawe 2016: Membasaq.

So far, the rearrangement of songs by Mr. Adjam hasn’t been executed yet becaus he is still busy with his cousin wedding party. However, Ilda has been starting to socialize her idea to some PAUDs. On February 4th, Ilda was accompanied by Ahmad Humaedi (a member of pasirputih) to visit PAUD Tebango. And on February 5th, she wen to PAUD Cinta Kebangsaan Karang Bedil, TK Negeri Kecamatan Pemenang at Bangsal, and PAUD Al-Hikmah at Karang Desa.

The traditional songs and games which become Ilda material, among others: Icung-icung Pangi (a song for a game of riddles), Toq Pitoq (a song for a game of hide and seek), and a song for hunting the dragonfly (no title). Ilda and Mr. Adjam also plan to make a song related to a traditional game named gasing in Pemenang, and according to the plan, Ilda is going to invite Alex, a resident of Karang Bedil Backwoods (who are a song creator as well) and like to play gasing. They will make a performance of gasing in the series of their choral performances.

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