akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Celebration of pasirputih’s New Office

LOMBOK UTARA, 19 Januari, 2016: acara syukuran kantor baru pasirputih. Tampak di foto adalah seluruh anggota pasirputih [Kiri ke kanan: Ahmad Humaedi, Hamdani, Muhammad Gozali, Muhammad Imran, Maskanah, Syamsul Hadi, Etika Lailaturrahmah, Ahmad Rosidi, Muhammad Sibawaihi, Muhammad Rusli, dan Hujjatul Islam]
Written by akumassa
January 19th 2016, akumassa Chronicle team continued socialization of their project to several places. At 10 am, the team went to meet the Chief of Police Station of Pemenang Sector. Due to the Chief had not been able to meet because he was attending a meeting at the Pemenang Subdistrict Office, the project then was socialized to several members of the police on duty at the place.

After visiting Police Station on Pemenang Sector, the team went on a trip to Malaka Village Office. A few hours before, Gozali had already contacted the Headman of Malaka Village, Ihwan, and promised to meet at 11 am. Arriving at Malaka Village Office, Ihwan welcomed us with his smile and invited us to his room. The Interesting chat begins about the condition of the local community in Malaka Village, from tourism phenomenon to any creative activities in the village.

After finished talking with Ihwan, akumassa Chronicle team rushed back to the pasirputih Office, because that afternoon pasirputih organized a ceremonial event of having new space. Around 4 pm, invited guests consisting of various elements of society, from neighbors, colleagues, relatives, Head of Dusun Karang Baru, the Head of the West Pemenang Village, Chief of Pemenang Subdistrict, Regional Secretary of North Lombok Regent, as well as the artists, arrived one by one at the pasirputih office. The hilarity and happiness in the pasirputih’s new office very pronounced and certainly be a prayer and encouragement for pasirputih to keep their sustainability of cultural activities.

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