akumassa chronicle 2016 Regency/City: North Lombok

Kang Jabo and Mr. Jaka Visited SMPN 1 Pemenang

LOMBOK UTARA, 10 Februari, 2016: Syamsul Fajri AKA Kang Jabo (partisipan akumassa Chronicle, duduk di tengah) dan Pak Jaka (Ketua Grup Rudat Setia Budi, di sebelah kanan) berbincang dengan Kepala Sekolah SMPN 1 Pemenang, Pak Karmin.
Written by akumassa
North Lombok need these kind of activities. We need to turn on the art activities, at least to decrease negative acts,” the Headmaster of State Junior High School 1 Pemenang Mr. Kamrin said. He was being visited by Syamsul Fajri AKA Kang Jabo (a participant of akumassa Chronicle) and Mr. Jaka (the chief of Rudat Setia Budi) together with Muhammad Sibawaihi (Program Director of pasirputih) on February 10th, 2016.

They visited the Headmaster was in the framework of his collaboration for akumassa Chronicle. Kang Jabo and Mr. Jaka was planning to involve some schools to do the rudat (a traditional dance) together. From each school, they will ask 10-20 students to play the rudat. They agreed to name the project as “Pemenang Merudat” (Pemenang Do the Rudat). In the Bangsal Menggawe 2016: Membasaq, Kang Jabo and Mr. Jaka will mobilise students to play rudat dance from Tanaq Ampar backwoods to Bangsal area.

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